Today, October 8, Ukraine celebrates Lawyer`s Day. This holiday is as old for us as the
monuments of the Kyiv Rus. The foundations of modern jurisprudence originated from those distant
times. And the forefather of this science can be called Prince Yaroslav the Wise, who on October 8, 1016
published a code of laws "Russian Truth". This code contained cases of criminal, commercial, inheritance
and procedural law. By the way, October 8 is not the only professional holiday for lawyers. In addition,
on July 4, we celebrate the day of the surveyor, on September 2, – the day of the notarial profession, on
December 1,- the day of prosecutors, and on December 19, – the day of the attorneys.
We congratulate all the lawyers and the representatives of the Law Faculty of SNAU on their
professional holiday and wish them good health and strong nerves!