February 24, 2022 is a date that will forever be engraved in the heart of every Ukrainian. A year ago, we woke up to the sounds of air raids, explosions, gunshots, and the movement of machinery. Ukrainians got into a new reality, cruel, unjust, painful. Panic. Fear. Uncertainty.

365 days we fight.

Ukrainians did not stand aside for a second: they wove camouflage nets, made trench candles, loaded the “humanitarian truck”, and donated to funds. We stole tanks from the aggressors, shot down drones with cans of pickles, marched with flags to meet danger and military equipment.

We believe that very soon our state will be peaceful and independent: from Luhansk to Uzhhorod, from Chernihiv to Yalta.

We are proud of our defenders.

The Ukrainian sun will rise! February, which has already lasted 365 days, will end.