(Head of TUO of Students and Postgraduates)
Email: lydmyla19@ukr.net
Tel: +380956135849 Liudmyla Varenyk is a PhD candidate, speciality 212 "Veterinary Hygiene, Sanitation and Examination".
In 2015, she entered Sumy NAU and immediately became active in the university's student life. In 2016, she was elected student vice-rector for research at our higher education institution. In 2017, she was elected to the position of Student Dean of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine.
Liudmyla is attentive to students, fair, active and caring, responsible, and keeps everything in order. She constantly strives to make the people she works with feel confident and secure, so that they have a desire to work hard and achieve excellent results. She is demanding of herself and others.
Life credo: "The goal is achieved by those who strive for it"