Every year, on the eve of the most romantic holiday of the year, Valentine’s Day, students of Sumy National Agrarian University find out the most pressing question. Who is in charge at SNAU? Who is on top?

Strong and courageous men? Gentle and fragile girls? Two opposites who are united by the most beautiful feeling in the world – love.

Year after year, according to a good tradition, SNAU organises a game “Who’s on top?” for young people based on the television show of the same name. Valentine’s Day 2024 was no exception.

Iryna MANKO, one of the organisers of the game and a part-time presenter, says that the initiative to create such an event came directly from the students:

“Every year the game “Who’s on top?” is held in an incredibly fun and cool atmosphere. Students spend their free time in an interesting way, find new friends, and reveal their talents. When we received proposals from young people to hold the game this year, we realised that, of course, despite the war, everyone wants to spend their free time actively and interestingly. Students lack communication, loud events and parties. That’s why we didn’t hesitate to start preparations.”

The organisers took care of safety during the event. The game was held in a bomb shelter that had recently been renovated and modernised.

The teams of boys and girls consisted of 4 representatives.

In total, there were 7 competitions to determine who was the cleverest and smartest. The teams guessed the names of songs, made up words, read lips, got to know each other during the “True or False” competition and even enjoyed an apple while playing the “Eat it if you can” game.

The most points were scored by the representatives of the charming fair sex. According to the results of the competitions, the girls won with a score of 5:1!