RAU, SNAU’S Partner University, Has Chosen a New Patron of the Institution

The Royal Agricultural University (RAU) recently announced the election of a new patron. Charles III, a representative of the British royal family, has become the patron of the institution.

The tradition of choosing a patron has been preserved at the university since its founding in 1845.

The previous patron of RAU was QUEEN ELIZABETH II. According to the university’s official website, Her Majesty performed an honorable mission from 1952 until her death in 2022.

RAU Vice Chancellor Peter MCCAFFERY says that the staff and administration of the institution were delighted to receive the confirmation from Buckingham Palace, which read: “His Majesty is pleased to accept the patronage of the Royal Agricultural University.”

The partner University of Sumy NAU comments that the acceptance of the patronage reflects the long-standing relationship with the royal family, the relevance to the industry RAU serves, and the personal interest of the King.

Cooperation between Sumy National Agrarian University and the Royal Agricultural University began in 2022 as part of the Twinning program. Today, more than 100 pairs of institutions are involved in the initiative, implementing joint educational projects.

In 2023, SNAU and RAU managed to launch the Sustainable Agriculture and Food Security program at the Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Management. Master’s students have the opportunity to study simultaneously at two higher education institutions in English and even receive a scholarship for their success. The educational process under this program will last 1 year and 4 months. Teaching will be provided by British specialists (75%) and SNAU (25%). As a result, graduates will receive two master’s degrees: Ukrainian and British. More information about the program is available here: https://international.snau.edu.ua/mizhnarodni-proekti/podvijnij-diplom/velikobritanija/.

To ensure effective teaching and practical training, the partner university provides the most modern and innovative instruments for use by the SNAU, including, for example, a device for determining dry matter and starch in potatoes and a device for assessing the content of heavy metals.

In addition, a delegation from the SNAU visits the Royal Agricultural University to share knowledge and communicate on how to improve education.

The case of cooperation between Sumy NAU and RAU was recognized as one of the best and most effective in Ukraine.

Official website of RAU: https://www.rau.ac.uk/