On 6 September, an expanded meeting of the Supervisory Board of Sumy National Agrarian University was held. The event was attended by the rectors of other universities in Sumy, the chairman of the Supervisory Board of the university, Yurii LUPENKO, the director general of the Department of Professional Higher Education, Oleh SHAROV, and the head of the Sumy Regional Administration, Volodymyr ARTIUKH.

A meeting of the Council of Rectors of Higher Education Institutions of Sumy Region was also held, during which a new chairman was elected. Volodymyr LADYKA was replaced by Vasyl KARPUSHA, Rector of Sumy State University.

As you remember, on 20 June 2024, Sumy National Agrarian University held the election of the rector. According to the election commission, 873 voters took part in the voting. The Vice-Rector for Scientific, Pedagogical and Academic Affairs Ihor Mykolaiovych KOVALENKO received 788 votes, which is 80.2%. Each university has its own history, traditions and achievements. This is a special place where very close ties are formed between students, teachers, deans, vice-rectors and everyone who joins the big family of the university. In such a structure, it is very important to have a leader who can continue the path of his predecessors, bringing something new, innovative and unique. And today, Volodymyr LADYKA has handed
over the powers of the head of Sumy National Agrarian University to Ihor KOVALENKO.

The participants noted the achievements of the previous rector and stressed that Sumy NAU is currently one of the leaders not only among agricultural universities but also in Ukraine in general. Yurii LUPENKO, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Sumy NAU, said:

‘We hope that all the potential we have accumulated over the years will be multiplied. Despite all the difficulties of today, the university continues not only to exist but also to make significant steps towards a bright future.’ Oleh SHAROV, Director General of Professional Higher Education, added: ‘If we look at the dynamics of higher education, there are two universities in Sumy region that demonstrate much better development dynamics than the national average, so SNAU is the flagship of higher education.’
In addition, they noted the impact of the Agrarian Fair on the city and the region. Volodymyr ARTIUKH, Head of Sumy Regional Military Administration, stressed that NAU is an example for all others in creating safe conditions for study and work. A large network of shelters allows the staff and people nearby to wait
for the air raid to pass in safety.
As a result of his work, Volodymyr LADYKA presented the achievements that he had managed to accumulate over 19 years as rector. Among the main ones: an indoor landfill was built, the university completely abandoned natural gas, English teaching was introduced, international cooperation with European and Asian partners was established… And most importantly, since 2005, Ihor KOVALENKO has already been working as a deputy dean, gaining management experience and developing professional skills every day.

Now he himself is demonstrating his university development strategy. The ‘3 pillars’ of Ihor Mykolaiovych’s plan are security, stability and development.

‘The NAU will continue to expand its material and technical base, automate management, cooperate with international partners and form conscious citizens of a free country. My goal is to proudly report on my achievements and accomplishments at the end of my tenure as rector”.