Методична робота
Ліцензовані спеціальності
Організація освітнього процесу
Каталог освітніх програми
Нормативні документи
Робочий план
Забезпечення якості освіти
Матеріально-технічне забезпечення
Практична підготовка студентів
Можливості для студентів


The academic process at Sumy National Agrarian University is a system of scientifically based organizational, methodological and didactic measures aimed at implementing the contents of education at a certain educational-qualification level meeting the standards of higher education and harmonized with the principles of the formation of the European Higher Education Area.

The purpose of the academic process is to realize the personal potential of a person, develop his/her creative abilities, meet the needs of the individual and society in the training of competent professionals, able to compete in the national and international labor markets.

The academic process is based on the principles of science, humanism, democracy, degree education, its sequence and continuity, the organic unification of educational and scientific activities, independence from the interference of any political parties, public and religious organizations.

The content of the training is based on educational qualification characteristics and determined by the educational-professional program, the structural-logical scheme of training, curricula, work curricula, individual curriculum of a student, curricula programs, normative documents of state administration bodies of Ukraine.

The academic process at Sumy NAU is regulated by the current normative legal documents of Ukraine, the standards of higher education, taking into account the principles of the formation of the EHEA.

The Academic Department coordinates the academic process at the university in accordance with the principles and requirements of the EHEA mentioned above. This structural unit, together with faculties and departments, performs academic, methodological and organizational functions related to providing and improving the educational process through introduction of advanced methods and technical means of training.

The Academic Department ensures:

control over the academic process;

calculations of the teaching staff and supporting staff;

development of strategies for the implementation of modern technical means of training;

formation of training schedules, examination sessions for full-time and part-time students;

control over the effective use of the classrooms and lecture halls;

statistics of students;

analysis of student efforts.

The Sector of Methodological Provision of Educational Activity Quality Support and the Quality of higher education provides:

maintenance of the quality assurance system for educational activities and quality of higher education (system of internal quality assurance), namely:

coordination of activities of the university on the development, implementation and support of the quality assurance system functioning;

organization and conducting of internal inspections (audits) of the university’s departments in order to meet the requirements of the quality assurance system;

monitoring of electronic registers maintaining;

monitoring of course and diploma papers writing;

monitoring of distance learning (full-time and part-time);

-support of methodical provision of the academic process, namely:

development and introduction of normative documents on the methodological support of the academic process (requirements to the curricula, the structure of the academic and methodical complex of the subjects of the department, test control of student knowledge, methodical support of the students’ individual work, etc.);

approval of the work curricula, educational-methodical complexes, provision of the test papers by order of the Rector writing;

promotion of the introduction of the innovative technologies and methods into the academic process of SNAU.

Student Human Resources Office ensures:

preparation, proper documentation, filing and archiving the personal records of full-time and part-time students, graduated from the university this year.

maintaining the archiving of the personal records of full-time and part-time students of the university.

remove of the original documents on education from the personal records of students who is going to complete their training;

provision of the dean’s offices of the university with the original documents of graduate students.

registration of the current orders on the academic leave, training, expel of part-time students.

-in coordination with the corresponding departments and faculties:

To organize and control the industrial practice of university students;

To monitor the certification and compliance of the practice bases with the implementation of practice programs;

To send university students for the practice of certified companies;

To register the cooperation agreements for the practice of university students;

To control the proper execution of the orders as for the practice of the university students submitted by the faculties;

To control the proper registration of documents essential for practical training;

To register employment record books for students and university graduates.

To admit personal records of full-time and part-time students in cooperation with the technical secretaries of the Admissions Committee Office and the current conduct of these records.

Practical training of students