A training for students of legal advice centres “Legal Labyrinth: from theory to practice” was held at SNAU. It was attended by students of three institutions of higher education: Sumy National Agrarian University, Sumy branch of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs and Sumy State University, as well as specialists of the Regional and Sumy local free legal advice centres.

The main goal of the training was to establish productive communication and develop contacts between students of higher educational institutions of Sumy region.

The main directions of free legal advice system were presented at the training. Young people were informed about receiving both primary and secondary legal advice in various cities and district centres of Sumy region.

Teambuilding with elements of a game from professional coaches united students. A practical part of the training included participation in the game “Life situation”, which took place in the «question – answer” format. The final part of the training was a situational game “Legal advice”.

Law students had the opportunity not only to learn the basics of interviewing, but also to be involved in counseling the client in practice. The trainers offered five cases for the following categories of clients: internally displaced people, low-income families, participants in military activities, people with disabilities and alimony debtors.

Students gained experience in solving current situations and problematic issues that occur in real life, which they will be able to use in practice in future work.