Climate change is becoming more tangible for almost everyone every year. For example, every Ukrainian could notice that winters are getting warmer and summers are cold and rainy or too dry. In such conditions the safety of people is threatened, in particular, the lack of food, reduced immunity, the emergence of new diseases is increasingly worrying humanity.
To reduce the pace of climate change and help humanity to adapt to it, the world community is coming together to find solutions. Having chosen a course to preserve the environment and achieve sustainable development of territories, SNAU is willing to join projects aimed at achieving the goals of sustainable development and environmental protection. Thus, in 2020 SNAU had the opportunity to join the large-scale international project Jean Monnet Chair EUCLead “European Climate Leadership”, which aims to promote the experience of European countries in combating climate change.
Now the representative of SNAU and the coordinator of the Jean Monnet Chair project at the university level Olena Melnyk together with the representative of the public organization “Ecotop” Iryna Vaskina joined the meeting to develop a National Strategy for Adaptation to Climate Change. The event was held within the project of the UN Development Program EU4Climate under the auspices of the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources of Ukraine.
During the meeting participants discussed the most relevant issues, such as the structure of the Strategy, its impact on community development in Ukraine and how to adapt agriculture in Ukraine to climate change. Representatives of the UNO office in Ukraine, the World Bank expert group, OSCE project coordinators, scientists, and representatives of the public sector joined the discussion. The vision of the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources of Ukraine was presented by Deputy Minister Iryna Stavchuk.
SNAU will go on taking an active part in the work on the Strategy.