Every year in Ukraine, from 25 November to 10 December, events are held as part of the 16 Days Against Violence global campaign. As part of the campaign, the psychological service of the educational department of SNAU held awareness-raising and preventive activities.

The aim of the campaign is to draw public attention to the problems of overcoming violence in the family and against women. In addition, the issues of child abuse, combating human trafficking and ensuring equal rights for women and men were raised.

The Sumy NAU team conducted the following activities:

During the classes, the participants received contact details of services and organisations that they can contact for help. In addition, during the practical part, students called hotlines and asked consultants their questions.

Over the course of 16 days, it was repeatedly emphasised that problem solving should be ongoing and that attention should be paid to it. It is important for everyone to realise that the problem should not be kept silent! The civilised world must eradicate this shameful and dangerous phenomenon.