First Category Engineer
Born on July 19, 1979 in the village of Dovzhyk, Okhtyrka district, Sumy region. In 1998 she graduated with honors from Okhtyrka College of Mechanization and Electrification of Agriculture, specialty "Operation of gas systems and equipment".
In 2006 she gained qualification in Accounting at the Faculty of part-time training of SNAU.
Since 2002 she has been working at SNAU and since 2005 - as an engineer of the I category at the Academic Department.
Main directions of the activity are:
1.To participate in the preparation of documents, materials essential to the organization of the academic process and recordkeeping for the First Vice-rector.
2.On behalf of the First Vice-rector of the Academic department: to prepare documents essential to the organization of the academic process qualitatively and timely; to print responses to requests from the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine, the Department of Education and Science, the Department of AID.
3.To apply computer and computer facilities in professional activities to search, store and submit legislative, as well as regulatory documents of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine regarding the organization of the academic process and activities of the First Vice-rector, according to his official duties.
4.To provide the documents concerning the activity of the First Vice-rector, in accordance with the requirements of the File Register.
5.To work on the organizational and technical support of the administrative activities of the First ice-rector.
6.To accept the documents and materials, incoming and outgoing correspondence for approval and signature of the First Vice-rector from the general affairs department and other departments and employees in time established by the official regulations.
7.To accompany the timely submission of the documents, prepared by the general affairs department, other structural departments and concrete executors, for the signature of the First Vice-rector in the time established by the official schedule.
8.Do not allow the improperly prepared materials, documents, orders, etc. to be submitted for approval and signature the first vice-rector
9.To deliver correspondence and documents approved and signed by the First Vice-rector to the general affairs department, other structural departments or a specific performer in time.
10.On behalf of the first vice-rector: to write letters, requests, other documents, print service materials necessary for his work.
11.To organize the activity connected with accepting visitors, promote approval of petitions and offers of the staff and employees.
12.To carry out individual duty assignments of the direct superior.