We would like to inform the subscribers of Sumy National Agrarian University that the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of September 8, 2021 № 1022 (hereinafter PKMU 1022) approved the amendments to the Resolution of August 21, 2019 № 830 “On approval of the Rules for providing heat supply services and standard contracts for the provision of heat supply services. ”

These Rules regulate the relations between the business entity conducting economic activity on heat supply (hereinafter – the executor) and the individual and collective consumer (hereinafter – the consumer) who receives or intends to receive the service of heat supply (hereinafter – the service), and determine the requirements for the quality of service, units of measurement of the amount of heat consumed by the consumer, the order of payment.

According to item 13. PKMU 1022: Provision of service is carried out exclusively on a contractual basis.

The service is provided to the consumer in accordance with the terms of the contract concluded in accordance with the standard contracts for the provision of services in accordance with Articles 13 and 14 of the Law of Ukraine “On Housing and Communal Services”.

Any party may submit a proposal to enter into an agreement on the provision of public utilities or to amend it (except for individual agreements concluded in accordance with part five of Article 13 of the Law of Ukraine “On Housing and Communal Services”) by submitting in writing to the other party draft of the relevant agreement (amendments to it), drawn up in accordance with the standard agreement.

An individual agreement is considered concluded with the consumer if, within 30 days from the date of publication of the text of the agreement on the official website of the local government and / or on the website of the contractor, the co-owners of the apartment building have not made a decision on choosing a model of contractual relations and have not concluded an appropriate agreement with the contractor.

The fact of joining the consumer to the terms of the individual contract (acceptance of the contract) is the consumer’s actions that indicate his desire to enter into a contract, including providing the contractor with a signed application, paying the bill for services rendered, the fact of receiving a service.

In accordance with the above amendments, the Standard Individual Contract for the provision of thermal energy supply services was approved, which is a public contract of connection, which comes into force 30 days after it is posted on the official website of the Sumy National Agrarian University in the following version:

A typical individual contract for thermal energy: https://snau.edu.ua/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/Договір-теплова-енергія.pdf

A typical individual contract for hot water: https://snau.edu.ua/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/Договір-гаряче-водопостачання.pdf