10 sunflower seeds of a special variety “Bohdan Havrylyshyn” were planted on the territory of Sumy National Agrarian University as a sign of support of the All-Ukrainian Marathon of Responsibility, launched by the Bogdan Havrylishyn Family Foundation.

This is a project to promote the “Declaration of Human Responsibility” created by Bohdan Havrylyshyn in 2014. Every year people plant sunflowers throughout Ukraine, named after a prominent Ukrainian, a public figure, a co-founder of the Club of Rome and the International Institute of Management in Kyiv. Marathon participants also tell stories about their own examples of responsible behavior or examples of other people, who inspire them to act responsibly.

The annual Marathon of Responsibility is held under the slogan #Act_responsibly and # bh15. The symbol of the Marathon of Responsibility is the sunflower variety “Bohdan Havrylishyn”, which was bred specifically for the 90th anniversary of the world-famous Ukrainian. One sunflower seed grows into a beautiful flower and bears hundreds of fruits. Your story, when you take care of yourself, your family, friends, the environment, your country or the world will inspire hundreds of other hearts to take responsible actions!

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