Collaboration with scientists from around the world in solving global human problems has become
a trend of the last few years. The quarantine restrictions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic did not stop
this trend, but on the contrary, strengthened it by paying attention to the means of online communication.
One of the most discussed topics for such cooperation is the environment, because the climate
change is worrying people around the world.
On the 9 th of February, Olena Melnyk, a representative of Sumy National Agrarian University, took
part in a Ukrainian-Kazakh teleconference dedicated to the implementation of projects named after Jean
Monnet Erasmus + program in Kazakhstan and Ukraine.
At the conference she presented the achievements of our university in the implementation of the
Jean Monnet Chair project “EU Climate Leadership”. During her speech Olena Serhiivna spoke about the
measures that have already been implemented at the initiative of Sumy NAU, but their action went far
beyond the university.
In particular, they discussed the bicycle race “RideTogether to Fight Climate Change”, the co-
organization of the international workshop “European Integration: Prospects and Challenges for Ukraine”,
the winter academy “Environmental Security of the EU and Ukraine in the Context of Climate Change”,
which was attended by about 300 scientists, civil servants, public activists from different parts of Ukraine.
The representative of SNAU paid their attention to the events that are planned for the near future,
including certificate courses for Bachelors and Masters. Olena Melnyk's report was praised by the
participants of the event and representatives of the Erasmus + Office in Ukraine.
We hope that further activities and projects will receive additional support from colleagues from
Kazakhstan, and the experience gained during the meeting will help make these projects even more