SNAU Representatives Attended a Forum on Community Improvement

Representatives of the Ukrainian National Academy of Agrarian Sciences took part in a forum on improving local communities in the village of Khoruzhivka, Romny region.

Cooperation always promotes development. Sumy NAU has a clear position that joint work is the key to solving problems.
Students, teachers and management of the SNAU attended the forum “Innovative and Educational Projects of Territorial Partnership” held in the village of Khoruzhivka, Romny district, on June 24. The venue was the educational department of the Sumy Vocational Training Center of the SES.

Students of Sumy NAU were interested in the idea of the forum and created an organized group that included representatives of each of the faculties. The young people had the opportunity to tell the guests about our university and present it to government and business representatives. Particular attention was paid to the issues of admission and the course of study. Students shared their own experiences and emotions from the process of gaining knowledge at Sumy NAU.

The main purpose of the event was to discuss business cooperation and its interaction with the local communities of Romny district. The event was attended by Viktor FEDORCHENKO, Chairman of the Sumy City Council, Maksym HUZENKO, MP, and Olena BOIKO, Deputy Head of the Sumy Regional State Administration.

The participants discussed a number of pressing issues, including the introduction of new forms of interaction between employers and communities, the protection of human rights under martial law, the provision of qualified personnel to educational institutions in the region, and the training of privileged categories.

A special guest at the forum was a representative of the Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights in Sumy region, Tetiana MYRONENKO, who is also an associate professor of the Department of Justice and a PhD in Law at the SNAU. She informed about the state of observance and protection of human and civil rights and freedoms in Ukraine in 2023.