In a difficult time for Ukraine, when every word matters, scientists from Sumy National Agrarian University are actively involved in the international information space. Olena MELNYK, an employee of our university, co-authored an article with Sera KOULABDARA in one of the leading American publications – USA Today.

The authors emphasize the global implications of the war in Ukraine, in particular for global food security. Ukraine, which used to feed 400 million people around the world, is now forced to fight not only for its independence, but also for the opportunity to continue to fulfil its role as one of the largest grain exporters. However, our country is now the most heavily mined in the world, with the cost of demining estimated at over $30 billion.

Restrictions on international aid to Ukraine pose serious risks not only for our country but also for global food stability. A shortage of Ukrainian grain could lead to higher food prices around the world, which is especially critical for the poorest regions of the world.

This article is yet another proof that SNAU scientists not only conduct research but also use their intellectual potential to fight for Ukraine. The university always supports its researchers in promoting the truth and in shaping the international community’s position on the war in Ukraine.