Constant development and improvement are essential requirements for every scientist who wants his work to benefit and develop communities, to satisfy the needs of society. Therefore, professional and constant development, participation in competitions is important for every serious member of the scientific community, regardless of age.
So, from the very beginning of training students are motivated to participate in various competitions of scientific works and projects. In 2021 the first results of the All-Ukrainian competition of qualification works in the specialty 073 Management, the specializations “Personnel Management” and “Business Structure Management” were received. They were announced during the final meeting, which took place on February 17 at the Department of Management of Kyiv National University of Technology and Design.
One of the winners of this competition in the specialization “Personnel Management” was a student of Sumy NAU Alina Bespalova, who got a Master’s degree Diploma of III degree. The title of the work is “Improvement of the Personnel Management of the Enterprise”. It was written under the guidance of Doctor of Economics, Professor of SNAU Andrii Mykhailov.
Congratulations to Alina and Andrii Mykolaiovych on an excellent result. We wish them further success in studies and research.
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