Every year in Ukraine, the campaign “16 days against violence” is held, which is designed to draw attention to the problems of various types of violence, raise public awareness and help those who have already faced oppression. Representatives of the Sumy National Agrarian University, led by the department for organizing educational work with SNAU students, traditionally organize a number of events within the framework of this movement.
The campaign “16 days against violence” was launched with trainings from the public organization “League of Modern Women”. The organization engages in educational activities among youth and adults by holding lectures, trainings and meetings. It provides free psychological, legal and social support to all who need it. Its representatives believe that it is in this way that they are able to activate society to move towards the establishment of democratic values. Representatives of the public organization have repeatedly participated in events held on the basis of Sumy National Agrarian University. A vivid example of cooperation was the celebration of Mental Health Day (read at the link: https://snau.edu.ua/studenti-snau-vzyali-uchast-u-proyekti-ti-yak/). Participating in the “16 days against violence” campaign, Anna KRAMAR, Mariia KHOLOSHA and Alina HNIDENKO conducted two trainings for SNAU students on the topic “Combating violence” and “Nonviolent communication”. During the meetings, they talked about the types of violence and its manifestations, ways to resolve conflicts, and the consequences of violence. Representatives of the public organization “League of Modern Women” drew special attention to the issue of gender equality. At the end of the trainings, students had the opportunity to consolidate the knowledge gained during the KNOCKDOWN game, solving practical cases.
Liudmyla MYKHAILENKO, a practical psychologist of the department for the organization of educational work with SNAU students, held a conversation with students on the topic “Say NO to AIDS!”. The youth gained knowledge about ways to prevent the infectious diseases HIV and AIDS, infection with it and effective treatment.
As part of the All-Ukrainian campaign, children were not overlooked either. The traditional New Year’s tale was shown by the students and employees of SNAU to children of Sumy Regional Rehabilitation Center with limited physical abilities. Such an event was held several times on the basis of our institution of higher education for young employees and military personnel. Read about the organization and plot at the link: https://snau.edu.ua/zimova-kazka-v-snau/.
The centerpiece of the event was a lecture dedicated to the International Anti-Corruption Day by Tetiana MYRONENKO, Candidate of Legal Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Justice and Philosophy. Students learned about the aspects of current legislation in the field of combating corruption, the structures that deal with the investigation and prevention of cases of receiving undue benefits. Tetiana MYRONENKO recently received the position of the representative of the Supreme Council of Ukraine’s Commissioner for Human Rights in the Sumy region, so she could effectively explain theoretical knowledge on real practical life cases. Students watched educational videos depicting corruption schemes and discussed them.
On December 8, a meeting was held at the SNAU base with the senior inspector of the public relations sector of the patrol police department in the Sumy region, police captain Oksana KRASOVSKA. The topic of discussion is “How not to become a victim of violence? “. Students received answers to the following questions:
- What is violence?
- What are the types of violence?
- What are the differences between different types of violence?
- How is the fact of causing violence by the patrol police documented?
- How to help victims of violence?
The representative of the patrol police focused on domestic violence. Unfortunately, the number of these appeals has been steadily increasing since the beginning of a full-scale invasion.
The action ended with the presentation of a social video for the International Human Rights Day. The scenario for it was created by a practical psychologist of SNAU Liudmyla MYKHAILENKO, filming and editing was done by the videographer of the Career Orientation Promotion Office of SNAU Denys LIASHENKO, the actors were students. Link: https://youtu.be/de8-idKpsTI.