Solemn Meeting of the Academic Council

On the occasion of the 47th anniversary of the foundation of Sumy National Agrarian University, members of the Academic Council, staff, and students gathered for a celebration. 

Most of the attendees identify the day the university started its work with their own birthdays, because within these walls they gained deep knowledge, walked the path of life, and experienced a range of emotions: joy, love, feelings of success and inspiration, sadness and disappointment.

As a symbol of the institution’s prosperity, the administration together with the student body laid a new alley. Now the territory of SNAU is decorated with 9 pink European cercis trees. 

Subsequently, a meeting of the Academic Council of the University was held. The members elected a counting commission consisting of Viktor SERHIENKO, Liudmyla VARENYK and Andrii STAVYTSKYI. They voted to support the candidacy of Viktoriia SHUMKOVA for the Presidential Award for Young Scientists and the candidacy of Dmytro KYSIL for the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine Scholarship for Young Scientists. The Board reviewed the cases of academic titles awarded to Serhii ANDRUKH, Ivan SOBRAN, Svitlana VOVCHOK, and Viktoriia SKLIAR.  

At the beginning of the celebration, a brief excursion into the history of the institution was made. For comparison, in the first year of its operation, when SNAU was a branch of the Kharkiv Dokuchaev Agricultural Institute, there were 150 students and 42 employees. Currently, this figure is 13,224 students and 969 employees. The people who created our university with their own efforts were remembered, including the first rector Ivan BRYUKHOVETSKYI, the first vice-rector Mykhailo HALYNSKYI, the first deans Anatolii MISHNIOV and Viktor KURHAN, the heads of departments Yulian ZLOBIN, Oleksii ZHATOV, and Halyna VASYLENKO, who served as deputy directors on a voluntary basis.

Volodymyr LADYKa, Rector of Sumy NAU, says that the trend towards development and the search for new opportunities, initiated by the founders, is still being maintained:

“In 47 years, we have come a long way, which many educational institutions had difficulty overcoming even in a hundred years. We have always had impulses for development. We should really thank the founders who realized such a difficult mission in difficult times. The highlight of our university is the constant search. Our strategy is to identify ways to improve and develop.”

An important mission during the celebrations was to hand over a drone to the 143rd Separate Infantry Brigade, the funds for which were raised through volunteer campaigns initiated by Svitlana ZINCHENKO, assistant professor of administrative and information law. The required amount was raised in 5 days. 

The congratulations began with the driving force behind the improvement of the institution – students. Rector of Sumy NAU Volodymyr LADYKA presented 11 students with official certificates of completion of their studies at the German University of Weihenstephan-Trisdorf. This is the second batch of participating sudents who became DAAD scholars and were enrolled in a foreign educational institution. 

In addition, 12 graduates who defended their dissertations for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy from December 2023 to April 2024 were awarded diplomas.

On the occasion of the 47th anniversary of the founding of the SNAU and for their high professionalism and significant contribution to the development of the university, the rector recognized the following faculty and staff: Oleksandr NECHYPORENKO, Mykhailo SHULYAK, Oleksandr KOVALENKO, Liudmyla BULA, Dmytro BORODAI, Oksana PRYKHODCHENKO, Svitlana ZINCHENKO, Oleksandr SHCHERBAKOV, Viacheslav KOLOTOV, Liudmyla SEMENETS, Olha ROHOVENKO, and Mykhailo KLINDUKH. 

In 2023, Larysa KALACHEVSKA and Oksana DATSKO received the Rector’s Award for Special Achievement during Martial Law. 

Representatives of the student body were awarded with the Rector’s commendation for their active public position, participation in various events, and enhancing the image of the university: Diana DEREVYANCHENKO, Victoria TOKAR and Roman HOLIKOV.

The event ended with the performance of the SNAU anthem, which has been the institution’s calling card for many years, by music directors Marina ROMANENKO and Alexei ALEXEEV.