Unbreakable Law Schools of Ukraine

The All-Ukrainian educational project ‘Unbreakable Law Schools of Ukraine’ is a 14-week long powerful cooperation of institutions that provide knowledge on the specialty 081 Law. Sumy National Agrarian University is among the 30 law schools.

About the project ‘Unbreakable Law Schools of Ukraine’

The project was organised by the Center for Ukrainian and European Scientific Cooperation. From February to May 2024, 30 Ukrainian universities and institutions held educational events on the relevant topic of law. The idea of the project is to support students and academic staff in difficult wartime, promote the latest achievements in organisational and methodological support, and expand the horizons of cooperation. An important point was that each participant was able to choose the format of events for their week (binary lectures, quests, etc.), as well as the format (in-person, mixed or online).

For more details, please follow the link: https://cuesc.org.ua/anonsi/vseukrayinskij-osvitnij-proyekt-nezlamni-pravnichi-shkoli-ukrayini/

Participation in the SNAU project

Sumy National Agrarian University shared its best practices during the thirteenth week of the project. They chose the direction of modern trends in legal science in the context of sustainable development.

The university administration was greeted by the Vice-Rector for Research and International Activities Yurii DANKO, who is also the Head of the Sumy Regional Branch of the Center for Ukrainian and European Scientific Cooperation.

On the first day, the participants had 6 lectures from representatives of Sumy NAU. Iryna ARISTOVA and Natalia KAPINOS shared a binary lecture on the mechanism for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. Olena MELNYK spoke about Ukraine’s experience in terms of the impact of hostilities on the environment. Valentyna NEZHEVELO shared her experience on land relations. Students and representatives of Sumy region institutions were also involved. For example, Vladyslav HRYB, Head of the Department of State Environmental Supervision of Land Resources and Subsoil of the State Environmental Inspectorate in Sumy Oblast, shared a lecture on determining the amount of damage to land and soil, and student Dmytro KOSTIAN shared a lecture on the use of remote sensing methods.

The second day was filled with two presentations: ‘Settlement of Collective Labour Disputes in Ukraine’ (Svitlana ZAPARA, Professor of the Department of Private and Social Law) and ‘Criminal Law Environmental Protection in Ukraine in the Context of Sustainable Development and Wartime Challenges’ (Aliona KLOCHKO, Professor of the Department of International Relations).

The presentations were followed by lively discussions and dialogues, which demonstrated the genuine interest of the audience and the high professional level of the speakers.

More news from the School of Law: https://ur.snau.edu.ua/