Associate Professor of the Department of Transport Technologies, Candidate of Technical Sciences
E-mail: solarov.oleksandr@snau.edu.ua
Research ID: V-6208-2018
ORСID: http: // orcid.org/0000-0002-1485-0685
Scopus: ID 57194574344
Goggle Scholar: https://scholar.google.com.ua/citations?user=VYnZvskAAAAJ&hl=ru
Born on February 16, 1989 in Sumy. Ukraine.
2006-20012 - studying at Sumy National Agrarian University, specialty “Agricultural Mechanization”, diploma with honors.
2012-2015 - postgraduate studies at Sumy National Agrarian University, specialty “Machines and
University, specialty “Machines and means of agricultural mechanization”.
Since 2015, he has worked as an assistant, senior lecturer, and associate professor.
In 2016, he defended his dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Technical Sciences in the specialty 05.05.11 Machines and means of agricultural mechanization on the topic: “Substantiation of the soil compaction process by wheeled MTA engines”.
Main academic disciplines: “Information technologies and navigation systems for transport and warehouse management”, ‘Machinery and equipment for animal husbandry’, ‘Use of machinery in agriculture’, ‘Fundamentals of systems and management theories’.
Areas of research: “Modeling of transport processes, assessment of the quality of work in transport”, ‘Ways to reduce the negative impact of MTA engines on the soil’.
Grant, state budget and economic contractual topics:
State Budget Technical Project “Development of energy-saving technologies to ensure the operational properties of the working surfaces of parts” No. 47448.
DBT The main executor. 0121U111512. Development of methods for improving transport systems and transportation technologies in the agro-industrial complex. 06.2021-06.2026.
GDT “Study of the dynamics of soil moisture under cereal spikelet crops during the harvesting period in order to determine the optimal conditions for the operation of agricultural machinery” №31-5-2.
Advanced training (internship): LLC “SUMYA AUTOTRANSPORT ENTERPRISE 15954”, internship period 15.03 - 15.04. 2021 (order of March 10, 2021 №327-VK), Topic: “Modeling of transport processes, assessment of the quality of work in transport”.