Vice-Rector of SNAU Took Part in the All-Ukrainian Round Table on Accreditation in Lviv

On April 12, 2024, the All-Ukrainian Round Table on Institutional Accreditation was held at the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv. The event was co-organized by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, the National Agency for Higher Education Quality Assurance (NAQA), Ivan Franko National University, the International Foundation for Educational Policy Research and other well-known educational organizations.

The roundtable was moderated by the Head of the National Agency Andrii BUTENKO. Among the speakers were Deputy Minister of Education and Science of Ukraine Mykhailo VYNNYTSKYI, Deputy Heads of the National Agency Nataliia STUKALO and Olena YEREMENKO, President of the International Foundation for Educational Policy Research Taras FINIKOV and Vice-Rector of Ivan Franko Lviv National University Vitaliі KUKHARSKYI.

The roundtable was attended by the Vice-Rector for Research and International Activities Yurii DANKO, who expressed his vision of the prospects, problems and challenges related to institutional accreditation in Ukraine, in particular, the quality of the expert environment that can be involved in accreditation processes. His speech facilitated an active discussion and exchange of views among the participants of the roundtable, which contributed to the development of a constructive dialogue and joint search for effective solutions.

Events of this format are important for improving the quality of education and developing educational standards in Ukraine. Dialogue between the participants of the roundtable creates a basis for further steps to improve the country’s educational system and increase its international competitiveness.

Institutional accreditation is not only a modern challenge but also an important opportunity for higher education institutions in Ukraine. This practice meets the standards of the leading countries of the European Education Area and is a key element of the development of education in general. The launch of this process in Ukraine is a step forward, as the new accreditation model provides for a comprehensive analysis of higher education institutions based on seven criteria. This comprehensive review covers various aspects of universities, including their mission, goals and objectives, planning and efficiency of processes, leadership and management, quality of educational programs, teaching staff and teaching effectiveness, student activity, as well as financial, logistical, library and information resources. A qualitative analysis will enable higher education institutions to significantly improve the quality of education and provide students with the best learning environment. Institutional accreditation will ensure that students will be able to receive higher education at the level of world standards and make their best achievements through high-quality education and access to advanced resources.

Sumy National Agrarian University is proud to be a part of such important discussions and remains committed to its mission to promote the development of higher education in Ukraine.