We invite you to the third module of the online course “Model Your Future”. Within the framework of the third module a presentation of the specialties of the Faculty of Agrotechnologies and Natural Resource Management is planned on December 4, at 11.00 a.m.
1) Presentation of faculty specialties (up to 5 minutes)
– Agronomy (It is in a trend to be an agronomist)
– Plant Protection and Quarantine (Healthy plant – healthy society)
– Landscaping (Life in beauty – harmony for the soul)
– Forestry (All about the selfless profession of a forester)
– Ecology (Environmental education: harmony between a Man and the Earth)
– Tourism (Tourism education – a step into the future)
– Biotechnology and Bioengineering (A biotechnologist – the modern profession)
2) Test “Am I a leader or not?”
You can connect to the module by following the link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86906677481?pwd=enVyVUZDSFpYUHRFeEJWenZJd0JaUT09
Meeting ID: 869 0667 7481
Passcode: 2408199