The meeting of the Academic Council is a traditional event for any institution of higher education.
After all, the most important issues of the organization of the educational process are resolved. On the 21 st
of December, Sumy National Agrarian University hosted a special, pre-holiday meeting of the Academic
Council, chaired by the Rector of SNAU, Academician of NAAS of Ukraine, Volodymyr Ladyka.
The event took place in two stages. First, the members of the Academic Council considered the
issues of the agenda:
– the results of work in 2020 and prospects for the development of the Faculty of Law. Speaker:
Dean of the Faculty of Law S.I. Zapara;
– the results of work in 2020 and prospects for the development of the Faculty of Food
Technologies. Speaker: Dean of the Faculty of Food Technologies O.Y. Melnyk;
– the results of work of structural divisions of Sumy NAU in 2020-2021 academic year. Speakers:
The Directors of colleges of SNAU;
– the results of work of scientists of specialized councils. Speaker: Vice-Rector for Research Work
Y. I. Danko;
– the results of work of the admission commission. Speaker: Secretary of the Admission Committee
of SNAU V.O. Serhienko;
– approval of the rules of admission for higher education in Sumy NAU in 2021 and the rules of
admission to colleges of Sumy NAU in 2021. Speaker: Secretary of the Admission Committee of SNAU
V.O. Serhienko;
– about the statement of chairmen of examination commissions for 2021. Speaker: Vice-Rector for
Academic Activity V.M. Zhmailov;
– report of the Rector (Chairman of the Academic Council) of SNAU. Speaker: Rector of Sumy NAU
V.I. Ladyka;
– miscellaneous: In the block "Miscellaneous" it was proposed to amend the Statute of SNAU on the
rebranding of the university. The issues of the scientific and methodological work were considered.
After consideration of the main issues of the agenda, in the lobby of the main building, in strict
compliance with the quarantine requirements, a solemn part was held, during which SNAU employees
were presented with gratitude, as well as diplomas of Doctors and Candidates of Sciences and certificates
of Associate Professors and Professors.