On November 4, 2008, with the assistance of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy of Ukraine, Professor Volodymyr Ladyka, Rector of Sumy NAU, and Professor Herbert Stroebel, Head of the Senate of University of Applied Sciences Weihenstephan-Triesdorf (Germany), signed an Agreement on cooperation. The Agreement provides conducting of joint Master Course “Administrative Management” in both partner universities, with the right to award double degrees issued by Sumy NAU and University of Applied Sciences Weihenstephan-Triesdorf (HSWT), as well as introduction of academic exchange programs for students and staff, creation of coordination and representation office of HSWT at SNAU etc. The Agreement promotes implementation of Bologna Principles at Sumy NAU.
Further cross-cutting education with receiving the academic title “Master of Business Administration (MBA)”;
practice-oriented study, which comprehensively develops professional and personal competence that is highly appreciated by potential employers;
network of HEIs in 15 countries offering further study in master degree (mutual recognition of diplomas);
well equipped university campus, access to multimedia equipment;
great team of students from different countries with different cultures;
studying and accommodation in the picturesque landscape.
On completion of the International Master Course, graduate students simultaneously with SNAU Master Degree Diploma receive German Master Degree Diploma – MBA “Master of Business Administration”.
In 2016 SNAU MBA course was successfully accredited by Accreditation, Certification and Quality Assurance Institute – ACQUIN
The objective of such an international accreditation is to confirm the full compliance of content and quality of SNAU educational process with European educational standards.
Study under this course can be conducted in Ukrainian, English and German. Students from German-speaking groups are required to undertake internship at German farms where they have the opportunity to master foreign modern technologies and methods of agricultural production, receive practical skills, relevant experience. During the internship students attend professional training at University of Applied Sciences Weihenstephan-Triesdorf.
Visits of German professors are organized within the framework of this course. They deliver international seminars and lecture courses. Since the seminars are conducted in German and have a different thematic focus, students can learn German advanced teaching methods and additionally improve their German language skills.
Запрос вернул пустой результат.Study under the Course “Administrative Management” is a unique opportunity for further career advancement within agribusiness sphere. Students possess theoretical and practical knowledge and skills needed for independent and responsible execution of widely specialized and extensive tasks while providing administrative and consulting services to agrarian enterprises.
- Training program under the International Master Course “Administrative Management”
- Scheme of receiving the Master Degree файл Scheme of receiving the Master Degree
- Requirements
- Contact information
Job opportunities and prospects:
- employment at agrarian enterprises, especially at international companies (foreign branches);
- teaching activities at universities and colleges;
- working in the field of agricultural management, at consulting companies and service business;
- implementation of joint international projects;
- engagement into applied research.