Student Oleh Didenko (academic supervisor Associate Professor of the Department of Management Batsenko L.M.) won the second round of the All-Ukrainian competition of student scientific papers in the subject area «Management of organizations».
The higher educational institution “Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman” has been appointed as the basic educational institution for the second round of the All-Ukrainian competition of student scientific papers in the subject area “Management of Organizations”. During the first stage of the second round, the committee reviewed 121 submitted scientific papers from 145 authors who came from 66 institutions of higher education of Ukraine. According to the results of the competition, the student of the Department of Management Oleh Didenko received a third degree diploma (scientific supervisor – Assistant Professor of the Department of Management, Candidate of Sciences, Batsenko Liudmyla). Oleh Didenko’s scientific paper deals with the essence and conditions of social management effectiveness (on the example of the insurance company Inter Delta).
Congratulations to our winner and his scientific supervisor. We wish them further success in their scientific activity!