We are launching a new series of virtual mobility within the Czech project!
In November 2020, a new series of scientific and methodological webinars will be held within the joint project “Interuniversity Cooperation as a Tool for Improving the Quality of Chosen Universities of Ukraine”, implemented by SNAU in consortium with the Czech University of Natural Sciences in Prague. Participants of the webinars will receive certificates of participation in virtual international mobility.
We invite teachers, graduate students and students to take part in a series of virtual international mobility, which is conducted within the joint project of the Czech University of Natural Sciences in Prague and SNAU entitled “Interuniversity cooperation as a tool to improve the quality of chosen universities in Ukraine.” Topics of scientific and methodological webinars will include scientometrics, peculiarities of scientific publications that have the potential for WoS / Scopus, evaluation of publication results, how to get a high level of citations and much more. One of the directions of webinars will be devoted to multidisciplinary research and peculiarities of involving students in the research process. The topic of eco-friendly activities of the university will also be considered.
A special topic is how to establish and manage the development of a business incubator at the university.
Webinars will be conducted by Czech experts in English. Participants will receive certificates of participation in virtual international mobility on each topic.
To learn more about the event and to register, please visit here: https://fb.me/e/1LW63BDe2
Links to the events will be posted in the Facebook event (“New Series of Virtual Czech Mobility”), in the “Discussions” section and will not be sent to the e-mail. Pre-registration is not required. During the webinar, please write your name in English, the university and your e-mail address in a chat in order to register and receive a certificate.
Learn more about the project: https://snau.edu.ua/en/international-projects/international-projects-and-grants/czech-development-agency/inter-university-cooperation-as-a-tool-to-improve-the-quality-of-selected-universities-of-ukraine-begins/