The University academic staff does his best to meet changes foreseen by the new Law of Ukraine,
which was signed by the President in 2020. The changes require teaching and research efficiency
improvement. Ukrainian higher education institutions meet a number of challenges and if they succeed, it
will help them to get a new level of professional education. SNAU Rector, Volodymyr Ladyka and Vice-
Rectors hold meetings with representatives of faculties and departments in order to inform them about
new requirements and tasks. January 20, the Faculty of Economics and Management and the Faculty of
Civil Engineering academic staff reported about their achievements. The teachers publish the articles in
scientific journals indexed in Scopus and Web of Science databases, improve their English language skills,
seek opportunities for international internships and collaborate with business representatives. We hope
that this work will give an impetus to a new stage of SNAU development and provide its students with high-
quality training.
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