Meeting of the Academic Council of 26.04.2024

On April 26, 2024, the members of the Academic Council of Sumy National Agrarian University gathered at an online meeting.

The following issues are on the agenda:

  1. On the role of the scientific library in the information support of the educational and scientific process in the university complex of the SNAU and colleges of the SNAU (reported by Halyna KOMLYKOVA, Director of the Library; co-rapporteurs: Vladyslav ZUBKO, Dean of the Faculty of Engineering and Technology; Liudmyla NAHORNA, Professor of the Department of Veterinary Medicine, Microbiology, Zoohygiene and Safety and Quality of Livestock Products)
  2. On advanced training and internships for SNAU teachers (reported by Iryna TODERIUK, Director of the Center for Advanced Training, Retraining, and Improvement of Managers and Specialists)
  3. On the approval of the curriculum for the 2024 enrollment (reported by: Vice-Rector for Scientific, Pedagogical and Academic Affairs Ihor KOVALENKO)
  4. Miscellaneous:

4.1 Issues of scientific work (Reported by: Vice-Rector for Scientific and International Activities Yurii DANKO)

4.1.1. On adjusting the topic of dissertation research

4.1.2. On the expulsion of applicants for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy

4.1.3. On granting a sabbatical leave

4.1.4. On the extension of academic leave

4.1.5. On changing the supervisor

4.1.6. On approval of one-time specialized academic councils

4.1.7. On the recommendation to publish a monograph

4.1.8. On the recognition of a certificate and credit for a foreign internship

4.1.9. On recognition and crediting of certificates of advanced training

4.2.1. On the recommendation to print textbooks

4.2.2. Approval of the composition of the project group of the OPP “Information Systems and Technologies” of the second (master’s) level of higher education (Reported by: Vice-Rector for Scientific, Pedagogical and Academic Affairs Ihor KOVALENKO)

4.3.1. On approval of the provisions for organizing the preparation and holding of the rector’s election (report: Chairman of the Organizing Committee for the election of the rector of the SNAU Natalia KOLODNENKO)

4.4.1. On changing the name of the Department of Technical Service of the Faculty of Engineering and Technology (speaker: Dean of the Faculty of Engineering and Technology Vladyslav ZUBKO)

The special focus of this meeting of the Academic Council was on the state of the libraries of Sumy NAU and its separate structural subdivisions – colleges. According to the director of the library, Halyna KOMLYKOVA, this subdivision of the university has not lost its popularity over the years. According to the results of a survey among applicants, having unlimited opportunities to search for information on the Internet, a modern student still prefers to go to the library, so it is important to maintain this trend and improve and modernize the temple of the book.

The members of the Academic Council listened to all the reports and discussed them. The joint decisions were documented in the minutes.