Sumy National Agrarian University had the honor of welcoming the teacher of the Karaliaus Mindaugo profesinio mokymo centras Vitautas HUSTAITIS in its walls in order to start cooperation with the Baltic Cynology Center.

The meeting consisted of several parts: a presentation of the Baltic Cynology Center, a discussion of directions of cooperation with SNAU, the signing of a memorandum on cooperation between SNAU and the Baltic Cynology Center, a visit to the Cynological Center of the head office of the national police.

During the official part, Vitautas HUSTAITIS told representatives of the university administration and the Faculty of Biology and Technology about the work of the Baltic Cynology Center (Lithuania). In addition, he emphasized the advantages and relevance of creating hotels for animals. For example, in Lithuania, the network, based on the example of which the guest built his report, is available in three cities: Klaipėda, Alytus, Kaunas. In hotels, you can use the services of grooming, training, remote supervision, and transportation of animals.

Vitautas HUSTAITIS talks about his love for animals and his professional activities:

“All my life and the life of my family is connected with animals. I teach at the school Karaliaus Mindaugo profesinio mokymo centras, where, in addition to other specialties, there are also departments working with horses and dogs. Students use animal hotels as bases for practicing theoretical knowledge. Here, young people can study and work directly with animals.”

The guest notes that both the hotel chain and the Karaliaus Mindaugo profesinio mokymo centras school always follow up-to-date information and innovations in the field of cynology in the world and Europe, as they say, keeping their finger on the pulse.

Vice-rector for scientific, pedagogical and educational work Ihor KOVALENKO, who became a delegate from the administration of the Sumy National Agrarian University, and Vitautas HUSTAITIS, a delegate from the Baltic Cynology Center, signed a Memorandum of Cooperation on providing scientific and methodological assistance in the educational process of master’s training and holding a joint scientific -research activity under the ” Cynology ” program.

The main goal of further cooperation is to increase the level of training of canine specialists and improve the material and technological base of our institution of higher education.

After the official part, Vitautas HUSTAITIS gave an introductory lecture to the students of the Faculty of Biology and Technology.

Yuliia PAVLENKO, the head of the department of production and processing technology of animal husbandry and canine science, enthusiastically comments on her impressions and notes the differences in the contingent of students present:

“Now in the auditorium we can also meet master’s students who are already directly related to the field of cynology. And we can see first-year students there. The presence of such young specialists was a surprise for our guest, but not for us. Applicants who want to work as dog handlers in the future enroll with us as a bachelor, because SNAU is a leading Ukrainian institution of higher education in terms of the quality of education in this field.”

The guest was followed by an exciting tour of the city and a visit to the Cynological Center of the head office of the national police, on the basis of which our canine students often practice.

About the activities of the biological and technological faculty:

Official page of the Baltic Cynology Center: