Spring school “EU Green Deal: Current Challenges and Future Prospects on the Path to Climate Neutrality” for students, applicants, young scientists, postgraduates, doctoral students, researchers, teachers, representatives of professional communities and civil society.
The Spring School is held as part of the implementation of the Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence project “European Studies of Social Innovation in Education” – Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence ESSIE – 101085552 – ERASMUS-JMO-2022-COE and with the support of the National Erasmus+ Office in Ukraine.
Work schedule: April 16-17, 2024 from 10:00 EET to 15:00 EET (Kyiv time),
Language of the event: Ukrainian.
Registration form is available here: https://forms.gle/kmEf29jLbW6KhdtU7
Program and details of the event on the organizers’ website www.cessie.eu
The Spring School will be held online on the Zoom platform at the following link https://us02web.zoom.us/j/3386572580?pwd=ZzRDdldhTWZ4NzA4eVRkWmRpNzNxZz09
Conference ID: 338 657 2580
Access code: 2956090
The aim of this event is to form
– a deep knowledge base on EU policies on climate change prevention, adaptation and mitigation (which can be used in everyday life and at different stages of professional activity and decision-making);
– European level of environmental values, competence and behavior.
As a result of the event:
– the European experience of supporting environmental security in the context of climate change and the possibility of using its elements in Ukraine will be analyzed;
– the target audience’s knowledge of the European climate policy and education system will be expanded, which will contribute to the dissemination of eco-centric knowledge among different segments of the population;
– students and teachers will become active participants in the study and discussion of international policy in this area, which will contribute to the formation of a professional culture and promote the experience of EU countries in the development and implementation of environmental security;
– participants will have a unique opportunity to continuously develop holistic knowledge on global warming prevention, climate change adaptation and mitigation;
– participants will be able to use the knowledge and experience gained in their professional activities, constantly expanding this knowledge, which will testify to their new ecocentric type of thinking and consciousness and a high degree of environmental culture.
For more information: +380662339977 (Viber) essie@udu.edu.ua
Participation in the Spring School is free of charge due to the funds raised by the Jean Monnet Center of Excellence project “European Studies of Social Innovation in Education”.