The Second International Science and Technology Forum of Universities and Research Institutes “One Belt One Road: Environmental and Agrarian Technologies” was held in Xinxiang City (Henan Province, the People’s Republic of China) from 21 to 26 October 2019. The program of the forum included scientific conferences in different parts of the city and a large agro-industrial exhibition of scientific and educational institutions’ achievements. The Rector of Sumy National Agrarian University, the academician of NAAS of Ukraine V. Ladyka, Vice-Rector for Research Work, Professor Yu. Danko and PhD students took part in the forum.
The Rector of the University V. Ladyka delivered the report “Formation of the Cattle Micro populations With Unique Characteristics”. During the meeting with Xinxiang Mayor Zh. Govey and City Hall representatives, they reached an agreement on further cooperation within the Memorandum between twin cities Sumy and Xinxiang. In addition, negotiations were carried on with the President of the Henan Institute of Science and Technology, Professor Lee Chen Wei as for the training of PhD students from the People’s Republic of China at Sumy NAU, the implementation of joint scientific projects, academic exchange of teachers and students.
The university presented its scientific achievements at the agro-industrial exhibition, in which scientific institutions and higher education institutions from China, Malaysia, the United Kingdom, Germany, the Netherlands, Ukraine and other countries of the world took part. Participants of the exhibition were interested in the scientific achievements of young scientists from SNAU.