“Introduction of Effective Models of National-Patriotic Education of Student Youth” was the theme of the event. The seminar was organized by the state institution “Scientific and Methodological Centre for Higher and Professional Higher Education”.

More than 100 people, including members of the Council for Educational, Mass Sports and Student Affairs, Deputy Directors for Educational Work, group curators, librarians expressed desire to enhance  their knowledge and join the discussion of the topical issue.

9 speakers responded to the organizers’ offer to share their experience. Svitlana ZINCHENKO, the Head of the Department for the Organization of Educational Work with Students of Sumy NAU, spoke about the state of national-patriotic education at Sumy National Agrarian University and its separate structural subdivisions.

The speakers of the event provided meaningful information on such important issues as psychological support in the formation of patriotism of student youth; national-patriotic education as a means of counteracting external aggression; affirmation of patriotism and national consciousness of youth as a key competence that contributes to the strengthening the spiritual and moral unity of society; museum projects in terms of distance learning as one of the leading aspects of patriotic education of college students; creative potential of pedagogical workers: search of new effective forms and methods of work.

It should be emphasized that these topics are really valuable, because the main message that the speakers tried to convey to the audience was based on real experience, including NizhynVocational College of Ukraine, Machine-Building Vocational College, Hluhiv Vocational College LNAU.

The seminar turned out to be productive, interesting and touched upon the topic of national-patriotic education, which is really noteworthy and is a leading issue in the field of education of the growing generation.